
When We Can Know

Mastering the Foreknowledge of God...
is to Expound the Power of Grace

When we can know... that the DIVINE CREATOR by INTELLIGENT DESIGN spoke the universe beyond description and understanding into being including WE THE PEOPLE, for Him and against Him with ‘Freewill’ to choose good or evil ... (Genesis 1-3)...

When we can know...that the DIVINE CREATOR additionally established every tribe, nation, people and language, setting them on their way across the earth He created... (Genesis 11)... all speaking in their own tongue to discover Him with or without excuse... (Romans 1:20)...

When we can know... the Protestant Holy Bible of 66 books only is God’s inspired inerrant infallible living word, knowing also His Protestant Reformation became a global spectacle to separate truth from lies… not to mention the disclosure of evidences today against the satanic popes and their Vatican of crimes against humanity including human trafficking and child sacrifice…

When we can know... we are not to add nor take away from His living word given us - Revelation 22:18-19 | Deuteronomy 4:2 + 12:32 | Proverbs 30:6...

When we can know... Jesus Christ Living God knows all things before they happen, that His living word states clearly it will accomplish all as proclaimed (Isaiah 46:10) - and knowing all our needs before we have a need (Matthew 6:8/32)...

When we can know... the CEO of the universe, brother, friend, and joint-heir to every Christian (Romans 8:29 / Romans 8:17 / John 15:15) is the only God and that there is no other, never has been, never will be (Isaiah 43:10)…

When we can know... that God does not nor cannot lie (Numbers 23:19 / Hebrews 6:18 / Psalm 89:35 / Titus 1:2)…

When we can know... God watched us growing daily in the dark of our mothers womb (Psalm 139) with a DNA-specific plan, hope & purpose awaiting our fulfillment (Jeremiah 29:11)…

When we can know... at salvation that we have been predestined (Ephesians 1:5 / Romans 8:29) becoming God’s masterpiece and prized possession (Ephesians 2:10 / James 1:18) and that we are not only redeemed (Hebrews 9:12) but sanctified, made holy (Hebrews 10:10) healed by His wounds (1 Peter 2:24) of all sickness & disease (Matthew 8:17) virus and plague (Psalm 91) and invincible against snake and scorpion venom while given power and authority over all evil (Luke 10:19) with the ability to resist/rebuke the devil amidst all attacks and temptations to live daily in victory (James 4:7)…

When we can know... we can speak to any mountain (challenge) coming against us and defeat it (Matthew 17:20) knowing if God is for us nothing can be against us (Romans 8:31) because greater is He in us than he or anything that comes against us in this world (1 John 4:4)…

When we can know... we are told we can pray for anything and if we believe we have received what we have prayed for it will be ours (Mark 11:24) because anything is possible if we just believe (Mark 9:23) while understanding also that such a gift is not a crystal ball (James 1:5-8 / James 4:3)…

When we ‘CAN’ know ‘ALL’ this... why are the majority of Christians so confused and/or out of balance carrying unnecessary burdens of worry, fear, and doubt, concerned about not praying, repenting, or tithing enough... not doing enough of this or that, while missing the victory and success available to them… forgetting/missing also from salvation they were given a rich & satisfying life on faith alone (John 10:10b) with zero to do with works (John 6:29)?

Exactly my point... loving all judging none – trusting ‘ALL CHRISTIANS' come to know this simple & clear understanding all according to DIVINE PURPOSE and INTENTION – thank you, Jesus… hallelujah amen and amen!

Jesus Christ Living God
watching over
House of the Messiah Fellowship
House of the Messiah Fellowship is prepared to lead God's church into the New World / New Season of unfamiliar peace, freedom, equality, and prosperity - and doing so according to plan from the beginning - JESUS CHRIST LIVING GOD as #1 - 66 books of irrefutable absolute living truth from the Protestant Holy Bible.

Leading by faith alone, we will boast of God's will for all Christians as being for good, not harm (Jn 10:10b | Jer 29:11 | Rom 8:26-30 | Rom 12:2), while trusting our friend & partner the Holy Spirit, to lead and teach us to draw upon the same power within us that raised Jesus from the dead (Rom 8:11) - as we and those we teach fulfill our divine purpose also according to plan - thank you Jesus!

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* Thank you for understanding * truth will be going public soon.