Invest In You
FREE Truth


The following books carry Pastor Kevin's name - but authored by the Holy Spirit!

Said books are not a means or source needed to know Jesus as Savior... but rather a means of pointing the reader to Jesus and His inerrant, infallible, irrefutable and indisputable living word... as He becomes greater and greater and we become less and less.

Invest in you * FREE truth

My books in E-book format are always free!

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unless invited to do so - I will never abuse your privacy :)
Jesus Christ Living God House of the Messiah Fellowship


Set to the acronym 'You Are Worth It' explains the how & why we connect with Jesus

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wearenotgod @ protonmail .com (no spaces)
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Jesus Christ Living God House of the Messiah Fellowship


An apples to apples side by side comparison of 12 faiths with only one provably divine

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wearenotgod @ protonmail .com (no spaces)
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lessons to live by House of the Messiah Fellowship


This book, 99% Jesus, 1% perspective, proves we are invincible with Christ in us

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wearenotgod @ protonmail .com (no spaces)
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lessons to live by House of the Messiah Fellowship


Written for teachers to teach new Christians, also children as a grass roots simple tool

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wearenotgod @ protonmail .com (no spaces)
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Deceived No Fluff - A Post-PlanDemic Awakening


Grossly programmed by the devil himself still leaves VICTORY when the Holy Bible/Trinity is made clear

*** Request FREE eBook 'Early 2025' using:
wearenotgod @ protonmail .com (no spaces)
Used to avoid google tracking and information theft until new internet replaces them '2025' - thank you :)
FRIENDS with the CEO


When one sees the CEO of the universe as an investment for all things good in life - 'we cannot lose'

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wearenotgod @ protonmail .com (no spaces)
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Jesus Christ Living God
watching over
House of the Messiah Fellowship
House of the Messiah Fellowship is prepared to lead God's church into the New World / New Season of unfamiliar peace, freedom, equality, and prosperity - and doing so according to plan from the beginning - JESUS CHRIST LIVING GOD as #1 - 66 books of irrefutable absolute living truth from the Protestant Holy Bible.

Leading by faith alone, we will boast of God's will for all Christians as being for good, not harm (Jn 10:10b | Jer 29:11 | Rom 8:26-30 | Rom 12:2), while trusting our friend & partner the Holy Spirit, to lead and teach us to draw upon the same power within us that raised Jesus from the dead (Rom 8:11) - as we and those we teach fulfill our divine purpose also according to plan - thank you Jesus!

Questions | FREE eBook Requests * wearenotgod @ protonmail .com (no spaces)
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* Thank you for understanding * truth will be going public soon.